Rising Generation

Rising Generation

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Whether you're carving your own career path or entering the family business, the unique dynamics of family relationships and financial wealth can raise questions, create tension, and lead to isolation. Establishing your own identity as an adult is hard enough. Now try it in a fishbowl.

Your personal goals and aspirations exist in the context of family legacies and expectations. Testing your limits and developing your Christ-like character take place under observation by everyone around you, from well-meaning relatives and trusted friends to paid advisers and eager salespeople. The breadth of opportunities available to you can feel like an overwhelming, unmerited blessing.

This Peer Group is a chance to get to know other Gathering young adults who innately understand and empathize with your tensions and your joys. It's a safe place to share without judgment, to vent and plead without condemnation, to encourage one another with a knowing vulnerability.

Who belongs? Young adult inheritors of wealth between the ages of 21 to 35.

When do we meet? Once a month, virtually.

Video from the exploration
Photos from the exploration
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Criteria to join our community events

  • Follow Jesus as Lord and Savior.
  • Give at least $200,000 a year to Christian causes. Though the number isn't a rigid threshold, it represents a proxy for the types of people who are asking and wrestling with the same questions around wise stewardship, giving well, avoiding pitfalls, raising the next generation, allocating resources, defining a family legacy, etc. People come to The Gathering to pursue relationships with peers who are exploring similar issues with a measure of humility, vulnerability, and trust.

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