our story together

We are a sounding board of peers who aim to stretch our imaginations for how we might join God’s work through our philanthropy, our investments, and our lives.

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Give wisely.
Steward faithfully.
Learn with trusted friends.

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Screenshot from conference testimonial video - couple sharing about their experience at The Gathering conference

Words from members of Our Community

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What is The Gathering?

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We come together every year to learn from each other in the context of our relationships.

From philanthropy to impact investing, from spiritual discernment to practical tips, from urgent needs at home to generational impact around the world, we seek Biblical wisdom in the expression of our Christian stewardship.
Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa


September 19, 2024
September 22, 2024


Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa
Austin, TX
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We invite a stellar group of doers and thinkers to help us understand new ideas and current events; place current events in historical context; examine the Scriptures and hold complex ideas in tension. Our guests come to share their expertise from a diversity of fields: entrepreneurs and investors, disrupters and institutionalists, theologians and pastors, artists and craftsmen, policymakers and pundits.



We cover everything from the practice of philanthropy, to the leadership of our families, to the opportunities for joining in God's work around the world.

Icon of scales meant to signify justiceIcon of a plane meant to signify travel and explorations.Icon of doves meant to signify conflict.Icon of hands meant to signify generosity


We connect fellow givers who innately understand the responsibilities of wealth. In a safe and trusted setting, we offer each other plates of encouragement and kernels of wisdom, without judgment or expectations.

Connect with us beyond the conference.

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Peer Groups

Dialogue with friends who share a common interest, season, or station in life.


Travel with us as we study a complex issue through the lens of a place and its people.


Learn through our essays, webcasts, and past conference sessions.
It was curiosity that brought us to The Gathering, but it was authentic relationships that kept us coming back.
Vinh Chung

Vinh Chung

You can multiply your impact by collaborating and learning from a community of givers.
Michele Dudley

Michele Dudley

A room full of people who do 'have it all' by worldly standards, singing the song that said "its yours, its all yours" and knowing that they meant it brought me to tears. What a privilege to be reminded how vast God's Kingdom is, and that he uses all of us, rich or poor, to fulfill his purposes.
Sarah Currer

Sarah Currer

Some of the greatest relationships that I have exist within this community.
Bob Caldwell Jr.

Bob Caldwell Jr.

The Gathering is a concentrated group of high capacity, Kingdom-driven individuals. It enables me to connect with those folks over best practices and ideas and to be there as a friend and build real, authentic relationships.
Nick Bonner

Nick Bonner

The Gathering is a sacred space for our family, a rare catalyst for friendships, conversations, and perspectives we have not found anywhere else.
Ryan Skoog

Ryan Skoog


The Round Table

Essays on faith, philanthropy & stewardship

Strengthen What Remains

July 4, 2024

That was my turning point for considering what time for me is left and how to use it.

Out of Place

June 19, 2024

Just as it was with Jonah, the whole world seems to conspire against you when you are running from your calling.


June 5, 2024

Did I, like so many others, set off on this pilgrimage walk in hopes of an epiphany?

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