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Being Faithful in the Political Arena

January 20, 2025

Being Faithful in the Political Arena

With the nation’s attention focused on the presidential pageantry taking place in Washington, DC, half the country is giddy at the prospect of four years of populist disruption, while the other half is despairing of a dire and dangerous future. The bitter tensions on this Inauguration Day feel inexorable, the culmination of the calendar preceded by rival conventions, contentious debates, and endless campaign ads. It’s worth asking, What drives our corrosive politics, and how might Christians act in this charged atmosphere?

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January 20, 2025

Being Faithful in the Political Arena

With the nation’s attention focused on the presidential pageantry taking place in Washington, DC, half the country is giddy at the prospect of four years of populist disruption, while the other half is despairing of a dire and dangerous future. The bitter tensions on this Inauguration Day feel inexorable, the culmination of the calendar preceded by rival conventions, contentious debates, and endless campaign ads. It’s worth asking, What drives our corrosive politics, and how might Christians act in this charged atmosphere?

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Bare Ruined Choirs

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