With a group of givers pursuing friendship, join a discussion of The Road to Wisdom by Francis Collins on the four traditional sources of wisdom – truth, science, faith, and trust.
For those who attended our conference, you heard from Francis Collins, renowned scientist who led the country’s herculean effort to map the human genome, and directed the National Institutes of Health, serving under three presidents. In his new book The Road to Wisdom, Francis Collins writes about the reliability and limits of each of these sources of wisdom, and what can happen when we link them together.
Host: Nathan Aleman, Gathering participant & Principal, The Bridgespan Group
Who belongs? Givers seeking friendship with other givers from every stage of life
When do we meet? Once a week for four weeks, virtually, for 60 minutes, starting on October 20 at 5pm ET, followed by an in-person reunion at our next Annual Conference in September 2025.
Criteria to join our community events
- Follow Jesus as Lord and Savior.
- Give at least $200,000 a year to Christian causes. Though the number isn't a rigid threshold, it represents a proxy for the types of people who are asking and wrestling with the same questions around wise stewardship, giving well, avoiding pitfalls, raising the next generation, allocating resources, defining a family legacy, etc. People come to The Gathering to pursue relationships with peers who are exploring similar issues with a measure of humility, vulnerability, and trust.