GenNext: Hope Heals Camp

GenNext: Hope Heals Camp

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This summer, we head to Alabama to volunteer for a week at Hope Heals Camp, where we’ll serve together offering rest, fun, and relationships to families living with disabilities. Katherine & Jay Wolf founded Hope Heals after Katherine recovered from a stroke; on our Main Stage in 2023, they shared their story of coming to know God’s goodness in the midst of their greatest suffering, and their teen son James talked to our GenNext youth from his perspective.

* We have the opportunity to bring up to 24 men and boys and 24 women and girls to serve as volunteer staff during the first week of camp, from June 29 to July 4.

* Although we’re volunteering alongside many other families, we’ll have a chance to bond, share devotions, and connect with Gathering families during dedicated times each day.

* Volunteers need to be aged 8+, although a younger child can attend if they have a full-time chaperone (parent or guardian) during the camp.

* Accommodations at camp are very, very spartan. We expect to be housed in air-conditioned male-only and female-only cabins, with up to 24 people per bunkhouse who share community bathrooms.

* Register your family via this link. For the first question on the form, please write that you are registering with The Gathering so they know to assign you to our group. Send your questions to GenNext Director Melanie Langemeier.

Video from the exploration
Photos from the exploration
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Criteria to join our community events

  • Follow Jesus as Lord and Savior.
  • Give at least $200,000 a year to Christian causes. Though the number isn't a rigid threshold, it represents a proxy for the types of people who are asking and wrestling with the same questions around wise stewardship, giving well, avoiding pitfalls, raising the next generation, allocating resources, defining a family legacy, etc. People come to The Gathering to pursue relationships with peers who are exploring similar issues with a measure of humility, vulnerability, and trust.

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